Most cats aren’t too happy about travelling in a car. Our old and now gone cat Moon peed, vomited and pooped in his travel cage on the 8-minute calm drive to the vet. I’ve had other cats who made so much noise that it would have been difficult to hear an ambulance. But not Binkie. He calmly lies in the back of our camper van on his favourite blanket just in front of his travel backpack. Or on the bed where he disappears between the blanket and pillows.
When he is in the mood for some cuddling he’ll join us in the front, where it is the job of the person not driving to keep him away from the driver. Although by know he knows that this area is off limits while driving and doesn’t even try. When we stop driving he does like to walk on the steering wheel though! Good thing we don’t leave the keys in…
For some reason unbeknown to us, Binkie really likes driving off-road. He doesn’t seem to care that it can get really bumpy and instead of lying on the far more stable bed or floor, he squeezes himself in to an uncomfortable position on the dashboard to look out, or on very long off-road tracks, even sleep…
When not driving, Binkie can explore the van any way he likes.