
We crossed the border from Georgia, at Bavra. All went swift but, just as with Georgia, more things had to be arranged at or before the border crossing:

  • temporary import permit for the vehicle
  • environmental tax for the vehicle
  • car insurance (3rd party liability)

The landscape was a continuation of the area we left in Georgia: high plains covered with grass situated on an altitude of about 1700 masl. There are only a few patches of forest, mainly in the valleys and steep slopes, and all this is surrounded by higher mountains, up to 3000 masl.

In our August, September and this post you can read more about what we did and see in Armenia.

In general traffic in Armenia is not too bad. Perhaps in part that has to do with the road conditions: most roads are in not-so-great condition so this reduces the average speed. Beware of truck drivers though (especially Iranian) because they seem to drive without consideration for other road users.

Diesel can be easily obtained. But methane (CNG) is the most popular car fuel. Every now and then we need to get some LPG for cooking. Luckily Armenia has LPG stations as well, despite the CNG. In every major city you can find an LPG station as well. A dish connector is needed.

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