And we’re off!

August the 5th is a memorable day, well, to us any way. With a delay of 2.5 months we have started our travels! Had we followed our original plan we now would be back from the Balkan and our camper would be on a boat to Colombia. As it is we are now on our way to the Balkan and don’t know yet when we will leave for Latin America. We have decided to travel over land first. After the Balkan we want to go to Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Iran. Since we travel rather slowly it is no use checking out what is possible now, regarding corona. We will just have to take it as it comes. After that, hopefully the situation in Latin America has improved enough for us to continue our travels there.

At the moment we are in Germany in Hessen, travelling south to Switzerland. Germany isn’t a very exciting country but it certainly has beautiful areas, friendly people and for now we are just happy to be across the border and to be travelling, finally. Completely free at our own pace and having beautiful weather. Binkie is enjoying it too, roaming the forest we’re parked in, catching mice and climbing the occasional tree. We celebrated our first night with a piece of pie with our own edible logo on it..We had these printed and put them on the cakes which we gave to colleagues when we had our farewell parties at our jobs. It is still hard to believe that we don’t have to be back in three weeks time 😉

Our first campsite in Germany

11 thoughts on “And we’re off!”

  1. Good luck and stay safe as well together! I’m already curious to all of your adventure stories!

  2. Fijn dat het eindelijk zover is, mooie tijd en geniet van al het fantastische wat jullie onderweg tegen kunnen komen. Bon voyage !!
    Liefs, Tosca

  3. Congrats! Good to see you finally had the change to escape the Netherlands 🙂
    Wish you all the best on your journeys!
    Have fun exploring!

    Gerben & Laura

  4. Ik heb net “even” jullie verslagen gelezen. Dat ziet er wel erg stoer uit allemaal! Wat een avontuur. Goed ook om dat taartje te zien op het eind. Weten we dat Marcia toch gewoon Marcia blijft… Veel plezier!

    • He Niels,

      Leuk iets van een oud collega te horen! Inmiddels staat ons oktoberverslag ook online, kun je weer verder lezen 😉 Hopelijk hebben julie op het werk niet teveel hinder van de coronamaatregelen.

      Groetjes aan de collega’s


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