So… February sucked! Fortunately it is a short month, as is this blog. After all the problems with the shipping of the van, Kilian finally arrived back in Cancun on Wednesday the 23rd. Just in time to celebrate his birthday the next day. Although we spend most of that day cleaning, fixing and repacking the van. On the bright side; since most of Kilians clothes were stolen, for once I had no problem buying him a gift; a new blouse. We left the house on the 25th. Friday and Saturday were spend driving around Cancun to replace some of the stolen items we really need. But without much luck, we managed to buy a new dashboard camera, but no headlights, flashlight or dry bag. Kilian saw online that these items were sold at the Decathlon in Merida so we decided to go there. We had a nice stop at El Cuyo at the beach, where we had two days to get used to van life again.

Binkie had to get used to it as well. The first few days he slept a lot and ate a little. We were starting to get worried and decided that if he wasn’t any better when we got to Merida we would take him to the vet. Fortunately that wasn’t necessary. Before driving on to Merida, we visited El Cuyo on the last day of February, a cute and colourful little town. You can read about Merida in our March blog, hopefully that will be a much better month.

Leuke film !!
Tof dat ik weer mee kan genieten van jullie belevenissen. Nog een super mooie tijd daar !