And we’re off!

August the 5th is a memorable day, well, to us any way. With a delay of 2.5 months we have started our travels! Had we followed our original plan we now would be back from the Balkan and our camper would be on a boat to Colombia. As it is … Read more

Wilderness First Aid

For the last two years we wanted to follow a WFA training. We both took a regular first aid class several years ago. But the Dutch first aid courses teach first aid in anticipation for the ambulance that, in the Netherlands, will arrive within 15 minutes. Because of our remote … Read more

Binkie on the road

Most cats aren’t too happy about travelling in a car. Our old and now gone cat Moon peed, vomited and pooped in his travel cage on the 8-minute calm drive to the vet. I’ve had other cats who made so much noise that it would have been difficult to hear … Read more